Heart Issues
I want to burn with passion for our group and the people around me as well. I want to find myself on my knees struggling for everyone else and asking God to work mightily in their lives. God wants to unite us in love and encourage our hearts. In our following Him he wants to do the same through us for our brothers and sisters. Also I am challenged to continue to be strengthened in my faith and to be more and more thankful to God day by day. I also love the concept of Jesus triumphing by the cross. The guards and the Jews at that time thought they were triumphing by killing Him, but Jesus had and still has all the supremacy and by their work he triumphed over them by setting the captives free and forgiving all of our sin. He has cancelled all that stood against us and nailed it to the cross by giving his life and raising from the dead to live forever. WOW!! What an amazing Jesus we serve!
-Paul has such an awesome heart for the churches that he struggles for them. He is in anguish through prayer and concern for the churches. I love what he said that his purpose was. He wants them to be encouraged in heart and united in love. That is my prayer for our students as well. I want to pray this more often for only God can bring about this type of atmosphere. The result is a deeper knowledge of Christ and a better understanding of the Spirit-filled life. Paul wants to protect them from falling prey to the deceivers and their fine-sounding arguments.
-After receiving Christ we are to continue to live in him, strengthened in faith and overflowing with thankfulness. I love the concept of living “in” Him. He envelopes us and we need to continue to realize who we are and that we are in Christ, forgiven of all sin and holy in the sight of God. Our faith is being strengthened as we walk with God and through the ups and downs of our faith. We are to continue along the path and as we continue we are strengthened and as we are strengthened we know that it is only the Lord who has accomplished all of it so we can’t help but overflow with thankfulness. What an amazing God we serve! He is so worthy of our praise!
-We find again as Paul talks about Jesus that He is amazing and all of God dwelled in him bodily and as we know from Hebrews he restrained his rights as God and became like us. He has given us that same fullness through the Holy Spirit as we have put off the sinful nature and have been raised with Christ to new life.
-Its amazing that God forgave all our sins and cancelled the law that was against us and nailed it to the cross. Video Idea - Multiple people struggling with different sins and clothed in dark ratty clothes. That people (business man, drug user, jealous/gossipy teen, prideful guy, can’t stop being jealous, doing drugs, etc. and then a bright light shines in and takes over. Then the clothes are nailed to the cross and the people standing in white robes clean. Jesus has taken all of our sin and made us new.
-We can try a lot of rules and regulations to try to keep us from sin. Only freedom and grace can truly change us. It seems right that harsh treatment of the body and discipline are the way to change, but we all grow weary of this and chase back after our sin in our lazy state.