Monday, September 17, 2007



I can’t believe it but many scholars say that Ecclesiastes was written by someone other than Solomon. In reading the book for a moment you can’t help but be overwhelmed by the evidence for Solomon as the author. I will still hold to Solomon as the author and think up on his life as I read the book. It is the only probably explanation for all of the writings and emotions from what we know of scripture and OT history.

Chapters 1 & 2

-Solomon is looking back at his life only to find that all is meaningless and is like chasing after the wind. I love this parable for there is nothing more pointless in life than to be chasing after the wind. He begins by talking about how creation continues in the same order all the time and will continue to do the same again. He is overwhelmed by the consistency of life with or without him. If we think of life purely for our individual gain it will hold no worth in our lives. One thing that causes his grief is that most people are not remembered and even those that are still to come will live and not be remembered.

-Solomon had more wealth and potential to pursue pleasure than anyone who ever lived. He set his heart totally to this and still found that his only reward was the immediate delight, but looking back it still lacked any value. It cracks me up that he tried to be a fool to find value in life. He found that all he did was walk around in darkness and that wisdom is better than foolishness, although with great wisdom comes great sorrow and with more knowledge there is more grief.

Verse 26 in chapter 2 really stood out to me. The man who pleases God is given wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. These are greater blessings than money although the sinner is given the task of amassing great wealth just to give it over to the one who pleases God. Money is not the greatest blessing of life. I am continually brought back to that point as I live this life. It is only gained to be given although all in the world run after wealth more than any other target. I want to continually seek to please God and give Him glory in my life. In giving Him glory and enjoying Him I gain life and the greatest blessing life has to offer – God. He is the treasure and the all-satisfying one.