Thursday, August 31, 2006



Paul goes through some crazy trials and persecutions in these chapters. They all kind of run together in Paul using his testimony then appealing to the prophets to help prove to the people that Jesus is the Son of God. Because of his obedience, he had the opportunity to share with the highest ranking officials of the nations. He almost converted Agrippa and Felix didn’t want to hear anymore because it wasn’t convenient to him. Paul experienced God and journeyed through incredible conditions to see the gospel continue to be proclaimed. Another notable fact is the weightiness of a Roman citizenship. Paul could have appealed to this whenever he wanted to, but held on until the conditions were at their worst.


-How quickly would you have declared your Roman citizenship when things got hard?

-How would you respond if someone fell asleep during your sermon? Eutychus received the worst punishment ever for falling asleep during a sermon.

-The Jews were ridiculous, why do you think Paul wanted to go back there?

-Paul’s life was characterized by hardship, trials, persecution, and even a thorn in the flesh. How do you reconcile his life with the Jer. 29:11 verse that is quoted so often by Christians today? (Plans to prosper you and not to harm you)

-What suffering are you willing to go through for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
These last chapters were relatively similar, but there is great teaching to be found in Paul's words as he proclaimed Christ through the hardest circumstances. I have been travelling and making the transition to having my parents live with me right now, until they sell their house. This month should be more consistent and a greater chance to dive into a shorter book. We will begin Amos for this month and I hope we will continue to discuss these chapters. I may start emailing more often as well to keep our accountability and discussion alive. Thanks, I love you guys.


Blogger said...

Hey Guys,
I definately would have pulled the citizenship card sooner. I know when I get in trouble at school, be it financial or otherwise I pull the parent card pretty quickly. The more I read about Paul the bigger stud he becomes. It amazes me that he can be so obedient to God's will for his life even in the face of massive persecution. This last week it has been harder for me to share on campus than off and I dont know why. For example, I went sharing after a concert in Grand Rapids and it was soo easy, but yesterday in bowling class I had the easiest opportunity and I just kinda froze up.I guess it is just becuase they are my peers, but that really sholdnt stop me. Pray that I can continue to be Bold in the name of Christ and that I will share Christ with everyone that I meet.


8:50 AM  
Blogger Daniel & Ashley McKee said...

Its awesome to see you struggling with this, and I want you to see this as a victory as well. Before this summer you wouldn't have had this struggle at all. Now you are sharing all the time and God is using you to impact people's lives all the time. Thanks for your boldness and obedience, its awesome. God will continue to develop that bold and courageous character in you that you desire.

8:11 AM  

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