Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Alright guys it is always important to know the author, his audience, and the context in which a book of the bible was written. I have put together a little bit about these aspects of Luke and an outline to know more of what will be going on in each chapter. I hope these help as we continue to read and study together. Post a comment on something that you learned about Acts, about Luke, or something you would like to add about the book of acts as a whole.

Author – Luke – A gentile (Colossians 4:14) that was a physician and a very educated man and regarded by some as a painter, but that is only speculation. He knew Greek well and accompanied Paul on missionary journeys and all the way unto his death in Rome. He took care of Paul and was called His beloved physician. He was a medical missionary to Malta and probably used his profession to reach people with the gospel most places that he went.
There is some dispute over complete Lukan authorship, but most of all the conservative theologians regard Luke as the author of the entire book. He did accompany Paul throughout the 2
nd imprisonment in Rome 2 Tim. 4:11. It is awesome to see Luke’s dedication to Paul in the midst of such a tough time. This was a great time to get full detail of all of Paul’s life and therefore write Acts. During the second missionary journey, he was an eyewitness himself, which you can tell from the change in the use of the word “they” or “Paul and his companions” to “we” in Acts 16:6-10. Throughout the rest of the book, until the middle of chapter 21 the pronoun we is still used until Paul becomes the major focus and therefore the we drops out. His sources from the beginning of the book are not specifically known, but were probably oral tradition or something that Luke could have been closely associated with as well.

Audience - He wrote the book to Theophilus, these are the only times that Theophilus is mentioned in history that we have recorded. He was more than likely a Roman official, we know that because of Luke's use of "Most excellent" and that term was only used of those that were highly esteemed officials in Rome. It is also notable that Luke wanted to write an "orderly account" of all that happened with the church and the following of Christ.

Acts Break Down

1-5 Peter, the apostles, and the early spread of the church

6-7 Stephen and the seven

8 – Saul’s persecution and Philip’s sharing with the eunuch

9 – Saul’s Conversion & Peter heals a paralytic and raises Dorcas from the dead

10 – Peter shares with Gentiles

11 – The church in Jerusalem

12 – Peter imprisoned and set free

1st Missionary Journey – 13:4-14:28

15 – Jerusalem council decides on Gentiles

2nd Missionary Journey – 15:40-18:23a

3rd Missionary Journey - 18:23b-20:3a

20-26 – Paul arrested, put on trial multiple times

27-28 – Shipwrecked again, arrives in Rome and preaches until he was later beheaded according to Eusebius of Caesarea


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