Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Heart Issues
It is so encouraging to read this story after so many bad ones. I know that God will enable me to walk with Him for a lifetime and not sputter out in my 40s. I want to follow hard after God all the days of my life. Lately I have been undisciplined and have lost sight of the most important things in entertaining myself. I have been knocked down more than ever and had more time for reading and spending with the Lord, but have used the time to play games, watch movies, work on the computer, and get caught up in the craziness of life. I repent of this as Hezekiah did and I want to pursue the Lord more fully and passionately through the end of the year. I want to trust God in the same way Hezekiah did in battle with the enemy. I know that God could sweep in and cause all of Loveland High School to humble themselves before Him, but He is waiting to the last day for that. I want to expect Him for bigger things and allow Him to move mountains in front of us. I want to get back to memorizing scripture and praying more often. I love it when I am doing these things and experiencing God in these disciplines.

-Hezekiah went over and above the call of duty here. He had all of the sacred stones, Asherah poles, and high places smashed and removed all idolatry from Judah and Israel. He united Israel and Judah again for a Passover feast. He put the temple back into working order and back into the central part of Judah. Judah was in desperate need of a king like this following Ahaz and his horrible reign. Ahaz trusted God in battle and prospered in everything he did. The only thing written bad about him was his pride at the end of his life, but even of that he repented.


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