Thursday, August 03, 2006



v. 1 - Pentecost means Feast of Harvest, it was a festival to celebrate the coming of the Harvest, which came 50 days after the Passover. What significance do you see of the Holy Spirit being poured out on this day? Also, do you think unity plays a role here in the pouring out of the Spirit?

vv. 2-13 – This is amazing, God revealed this with audible and visible signs of His miraculous work. There are two responses to this, what are they? How do you respond when you hear of miracles today or think about the Holy Spirit? Are you like the first group or the second?

vv. 14-21 – Joel 2:28-32 – It is really cool to see prophecy fulfilled here from Joel writing long before this event. How does being filled with the spirit mimic being drunk? Also, do you believe that you can prophecy, have visions, and be used by God to do wonders?

vv. 22-36 – Peter’s gospel here is hard-hitting and confrontational, but still loving as he calls them brothers. He meets them where they are through the OT prophecy and connection with David. The Spirit was enabling Peter to speak boldly of the truth. He ends not with a simple belief in Jesus, he says that God has made Him Lord and Christ. He presented Him not only as Messiah, but also as the Supreme Governor (Lord) of all the earth. We must always present Jesus as King & Lord, not just as Savior and Messiah. How does this challenge you as you think of sharing Christ with other people? What needs to be more true of you in your gospel presentations?

vv. 38-41 – Baptism does not give the gift of the holy spirit or the remission of sins. Repentance alone does not either, both point to Jesus Christ who is the only one who can forgive. To be baptized is to be baptized into the name of Jesus, to identify yourself with Christ through being “washed” by one who identifies with Christ as well. This is where the new covenant was ushered in with the promised Holy Spirit. What will be different with the new covenant than in the old covenant? 3000 were added to the number that day, do you think God can still do this?

vv. 42-47 – What are some things you can tell that they valued whenever believers truly lived and fellowshipped together? What do you see that we value that they did not? What are the main differences between this early church and us today? Is this type of community a possibility?


I am challenged today as to whether I trust that God could use me to do miraculous things. I want to believe God for those things, and I want to live a life of faith. I am also challenged by the way Peter presents the Gospel unashamedly and reveals Jesus as King and not as an easy decision. He called them to action right away and with all of this truth being shared God did the work to bring in 3000 to the number that day. I want to trust God more to do the amazing and bring thousands of people to come to know Him.


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