Heart Issues
At first glance this chapter seems to challenge my decision to get married. I think back to the Shakers that followed this advice and their “Christian” sect only lasted one generation. Scripture is also clear that sons are a heritage from the Lord and children a blessing from His hand. I agree with Paul that it is a challenge to have an undivided heart to my God, but I also believe that I can and do worship Him with the love that I show my wife. He is worshipped even in sex as we recognize in Song of Solomon. He created it as a beautiful thing that gives Him praise. I read a quote recently that “God does not turn His head when a married couple goes to bed.” As I look through the chapter I definitely understand Paul’s heart behind it, but I am struck that only in this chapter do I find the words I, not the Lord. 1 Timothy states that all scripture is God-breathed and I wonder if Paul was making a distinction here to say I am answering your question not from the Lord’s mouth but from my thoughts. What do you guys think about this?
-This is one of the only times in scripture that someone makes the distinction in themselves talking and the Lord speaking.
-One main premise of this book is based on verse 29 and Paul’s view of the imminent return of Christ.
-The Lord is worthy of our undivided heart and marriage can cause this to be a greater struggle. I do know that I spent a lot of time trying to please girls though when I was not married as well. That was not giving my Lord my undivided heart either. Maybe that was because I could not control myself as Paul stated earlier.
-The only command comes from the Lord and that is not to divorce. This is so key that people realize this in the chapter. It is not good in any situation to divorce because our honor, word, commitment, witness, etc. everything is at stake if we follow through with leaving our spouse.
-17-24 shows us that God has called us where we are and we are to stick it out and persevere as a witness to those around us of the change in our lives.
-If someone marries this chapter specifically states that we belong to each other as long as we live.
-The eternal perspective that Paul gives here is sobering in that even though Christ’s return was not imminent in his day, and we are not sure in our day, He will come. Also, we need to be prepared for we are never guaranteed our next breath. We could be a heartbeat away from eternity.
First I really liked reading your blog. And reading over 1 Cor chapt 7 here is what I think.
I know that even in Pauls day he was expecting the imminent return of Christ, that is why its imminent we do not know when Christ is coming back for Christ never said when just that he would be back.
I never noticed before that Pual made that distintion between himself and God like that.. interesting... my thoughts are that even though every word of the bible is God breathed, these are things that God wanted to have written down, things that Paul had wanted to say as well. Aren't we to have the heart of God and strive to be more like him,so why is it hard to think that maybe Paul actually got something right when he was saying what he believed though at the same time saying it wasn't something God told me to believe.
About the whole marriage thing.. have you ever met a man or a woman that just seems that they are going to be single forever, they have no desire to get married, to have a family, but they are so dedicated to doing what God wanted? I have met a few people like that, and for them it is better to be single and not to marry. For those of us that have that desire to be married its better to be married then to have that passion burning inside us and act on it in sin. It is better to dedicate your whole life/being to Christ, but you can also do that with your spouse.. though it is harder.
Just my thoughts. Anyways I enjoyed your thoughts.
Thanks for your comment Joy. I agree with you that Paul was probably second to David in being a man after God's own heart. I am sure he was very right in his thoughts as writing "from the Lord". I have definitely met people like the last part of your comment I just hope that they don't see marriage as sinful or wrong. Some think that those that don't marry are better than those that do because those that do can't "tame their own lusts". We also need to continue to train children and raise godly families, so there is a good tension here for us to look at. We obviously don't want to be like the Shakers, but we do want to please God with all that we are and all that we do. I long for an undivided heart, I know that I am on that journey and I am thankful that I get to model that for my child and my wife. Thanks again for your comment and interest in my blog.
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