Saturday, March 17, 2007


Heart Issues
I am challenged today that I have not been disciplined in studying the bible for myself lately. As I look at the time between my last post and today it really confronts my lack of discipline. I have read a lot of scripture and taught a lot of scripture lately, but I have not had a whole lot of personal time with the Lord. I have not stuck to the best schedule and have gotten out of habit. I am now back in the swing of things and I look forward to posting daily what God is teaching me. I am also challenged by the scripture today as I look at my life and how often I am not living my life for the good of many, but for my own good. I also recognize that I am not standing firm without the grace of God. He is the author and perfecter of my faith, not me. I am thankful today that He has held me fast and has given me a way past temptation. I want to do all that I do to give glory to God. I want to live, breathe, move, read, play, everything to the glory of God.

-Paul begins the chapter confronting their thinking in that as long as they held the ritual they would be saved. The Israelites already tried that and turned away to idols just as the Corinthians were doing. God was not only displeased, he punished them for their sins.
-Sexual Immorality, Testing the Lord, and grumbling all brought about God’s wrath. There’s a piece of all of us that says that’s right on the first one, but the last two make you kind of stop and go, uh oh. We are all guilty of the last one for sure if not the last two.
-Verse 12 is an awesome verse. We are never fully standing firm in our own power, we are just a second away from falling back into sin when we have this attitude. We need to continually recognize that we are not above sin, but God’s grace can keep us away from it. We are never standing firm on our own, but God is always holding us firm when we are in communion with Him.
-God will always provide a way out of temptation. Praise God for His grace. He doesn’t have to provide this, but He is faithful and has promised this.
-Paul ends with a great discussion on our freedom as believers. We are fully forgiven and the world has no hold over us, but we want to represent God to the world. We are to be His ambassadors so that we are not seeking our own good, but the good of others that they may be saved. We should eat, drink, dance, run, play sports, play video games, sing, cheer at games, sleep, etc. to the glory of God. He is the driving force in our motivation to do all things and He receives the glory from our ability that He has given us.


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