Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Yeah, the apostles were beaten within an inch of their lives and they left rejoicing. If that is not challenging then I do not know what is. What a horribly, incredible event. I am so impressed by the strength that God gave the apostles. I am also challenged by the wrath of God and His punishment for pride and self-righteousness. God does not look highly on those that do good only looking for everyone’s approval especially if it is not truth.


vv. 1-2 – What is the motive behind this? This helps us look at context and lets us know again that the original bible was not written in chapter and verse format. This story comes directly on the heels of Barnabas truly giving to the Lord and Ananias and Sapphira wanted to look as “holy” as Barnabas without the true sacrifice. Is this true in your life? Do you try to look spiritual while you are not truly experiencing God in your life or are not truly giving God your whole life as you would like to make it look like you are?

vv. 3-6 – This sin was not in what He gave, but in how he gave it. God’s wrath comes upon Ananias and he dies. Wow, what if God treated us that way every time we sinned and had false humility or stewardship? If this happened in your church with someone else how would you respond?

vv. 7-11 – It seems as if Peter knew that Sapphira had conspired with her husband. He had the gift of prophecy through the Holy Spirit. He still asked a question though allowing for repentance and truth, it is amazing to see Jesus ask questions in the gospel just the same. How do you respond when someone you know has sinned, even maybe against you, do you tell them off, or begin with questions? Again, everyone in the church was seized with fear. How do you look at God differently because of this event? Is the fear of God a good or bad approach to God?

vv. 12-16 – God was doing amazing things and people were being added to their number, but not everyone. They were highly regarded by the non-believers, but they were scared to join because they heard the story of Ananias and Sapphira. Did God mess up in His timing by executing judgment on them? We can all conceive of easy ways for God to grow His kingdom, but why do you think He doesn’t do that? What is the ultimate aim of God with His church? If it was for everyone to believe don’t you think He could complete that easily? What are your thoughts on this topic?

vv. 17-20 – Why were the Sadducees filled with jealousy? It is amazing how God turned this event around so quickly. God had a set purpose for this miracle though, and the apostles were challenged to go back to the place they were arrested and preach again. This would be hard, but after experiencing God open your prison doors it would be hard not to trust Him, and it would probably be scary to walk away from the Lord from what the apostles just experienced with Ananias and Sapphira. What emotions do you think would have been going through the apostles minds?

vv. 21-26 – I love to see the Sadducees scared. They assembled everyone to have this big trial and they were all made to look stupid by not even being able to guard these “ordinary men.”

vv. 27-33 – Governmental laws are to be followed until they conflict with God’s laws. They ordered a conflicting decree and I love Peter’s response that they must obey God rather than men. I am also impressed by their faithfulness to still get the gospel into these men who hate its message. Do you conceal truth in order to make people happy? Is it worth it? Is your motive really to make them happy or keep your reputation and pride in tact?

vv. 34-39 – Gamaliel gives a convincing argument to the Sadducees, but this is not always true. The validity of someone’s revolt is not given by its success or failure or how long it lasts, but in its truth. They did not want to deal with truth, only the moment and their seating as officials. God’s purpose will always prevail though, do this give you hope for a future? How will you respond to other religions or false views of Christianity, just let them go or confront with truth?

vv. 40-42 – This is amazing. This really confronts my heart and my comfort that seems so valuable to me. They were given the 39 lashes and yet they rejoiced. How would you respond if you were punished for following God? Would you continue and go even harder, or back down and quit? After being beaten they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news. What will it take to help you begin to teach and proclaim the good news? Do you need to be beaten, cause I bet God could arrange that if needed.


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