Heart Issues
I have been in church services where it was neither fitting nor orderly. I have also been in rigid, ritualistic worship services. The pendulum can swing either way very easily. The continued search is for the radical middle that waits on the Lord and allows gifts to be used while being used orderly for the building up of the church. God has called us together for that purpose to unite as one and push forward into the kingdom of darkness. We need the greater body as fuel to the fire. This meeting cannot be random and without point, we must take great care of our meeting together and allow it to be used to glorify God and edify others. I continue to pray that God would give me the gift of prophecy and allow me to speak into others’ lives as the prophets of old did. I pray that I would have the boldness and courage to carry out whatever God may call me to say.
-Paul starts out with calling back to the previous chapter of following the way of love. He wants us to focus primarily on love to be able to begin to understand spiritual gifts. The gift of prophecy is much greater because it is useful for others.
-Prophecy is useful for strengthening, encouragement, and comfort. The purpose of spiritual gifts is the edification of the church not just the individual. Tongues are still important and a blessing to those that speak in them, but not wildly like the Corinthians were doing.
-Speaking into the air, wasting breath. This practice was actually causing people to feel alienated and like foreigners to the people of the church.
-Paul practices speaking in tongues, but he does not encourage it that much in this passage. Tongues are a sign, but prophecy is much greater. Tongues are not wrong and if Paul is thankful that he speaks in them more than all of the Corinthian church he must have done this a lot.
-Tongues are not to be used in the church unless an interpreter is there. Prophecy is a powerful gift to cause unbelievers to recognize their sin and call them to repentance and allowing Jesus to be Lord of their lives.
-In every charismatic church I have been in vv. 26-28 have been totally disregarded. Many times this practice has even been encouraged by the leadership. God wants all the church to be edified and the time together to be useful for worship and building each other up. In a wild display of gifts and disorder everyone will leave confused more than uplifted.
-I am sure that many have twisted the end of this chapter to mean whatever they want it to mean in our feminist society. I am challenged by Paul’s statement here and part of it seems to refer to the Law. The old testament still had weight and still has weight to it. It has not been abolished through Christ but rather fulfilled. I wonder to what degree this has influence in our church of today.
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