Friday, April 13, 2007


Heart Issues
I take the credit for what I do way too often. Paul always recognizes that all things are from the Lord. God had made him confident, competent, had removed the veil, given him the Holy Spirit, etc. Paul always credits God and does not commend himself. I want to continue to grow in that mindset as well. I am again taken aback by how awesome it is that we live in new covenant days. The Spirit lives within us and makes us like Christ, this was never experienced before. I also want to continue to live in freedom and not under the guilt and shame of the law. It is so much more glorious to be a part of something that brings righteousness than condemnation. I can’t imagine trying to convert people into the Jewish faith. It would seem something like telling people to join something where they are continually told how bad they are and that they will never measure up without any solution. It seems to really only continue through family and marriage.

-Paul mocked their need for letters of recommendation. Many would travel with letters of recommendation that would tell people who they were and give them some authority. Paul didn’t need a letter, but was confident because of his trust in God that they would receive him.
-Others bear witness to our ministry. The growth and change in people’s lives due to the Holy Spirit bears witness to our work as ministers.
-Paul recognized that God and God alone was the one to receive glory from their work. He had made them competent and given them the message of the new covenant.
-The law lets us know that we have sin and “the wages of sin is death.” Rom. 6:23. The Spirit brings life and freedom. How much better it is to live in New Covenant days.
-We have hope, which is a compound emotion, starting with a desire for something and an expectation of obtaining it. Our hope makes us very bold and we want to speak so that all may understand and repent of their sins and turn to the Lord.
-The veil blocks the truth from those who still have it. Christ is the only one who can remove that veil. He gives us life and truth when we receive Him. We are conformed each day to the likeness of Christ by the Holy Spirit and through this we reflect the glory of God. God be praised!


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