-After the first martyr a great persecution arose against the church. Was Stephen wrong in how he handled his death? How do we know?
-The great commission given by Jesus is best translated not go, but as you are going make disciples… These believers understood and experienced the meaning of this as they went. Do you need to look for more divine interruptions throughout your day?
-Philip was not an apostle, but God still used Him to do the miraculous of casting out demons and healing people. I want to believe God for a miracle and trust Him to do that through me, do you believe that God can do a miracle through you? I feel like I have asked that question a lot lately, but it is so radical yet so real.
-How is your heart like Simon the Sorcerer? What shortcut do you want to take to be used for great things? How do you bribe God or try to work God for your purposes?
-Who do you need to walk alongside to help them understand the gospel? What do you learn from Philip as an approach to evangelim?
- Some very notable things from this passage – Philip is transported, that is amazing. God just picked him up and put him somewhere else. SWEET! Also Philip has an angel appear to him and is prompted strongly by the Holy Spirit. What do you think about this distinction? Is there a reason why God would use both or reveal himself doubly?
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