Monday, April 16, 2007


Heart Issues
I want to view myself as a jar of clay. I want to know that I am unworthy to contain such an invaluable treasure. God lives within me through the Holy Spirit. I do not want to ever preach myself, but to only exalt God and give Him the glory through my life. I can far too easily fix my eyes on what is seen and temporary and miss the important eternality of life. No matter what I go through it is only a light and momentary struggle compared to the surpassing greatness of my home in heaven. Paul’s call from Philippians rings loud and true through this chapter to “Press On!” The gospel is the power of God and I will preach it truly and allow God to do the work. I cannot convince someone into a relationship with God, it is only my role to present the truth and allow God to do the work.

-God’s mercy has given them their ministry and they want God to receive all the glory. Paul and his companions do not preach themselves or distort the truth. The preach the truth and trust God with the results. They do not hold themselves accountable, but holds the blinding by the god of this age responsible. The veil keeps those that are perishing from understanding the truth of the gospel.
-Paul has a right view of himself and those with him. They see themselves as Jars of Clay. Jars of clay were where people kept their valuables although the jars themselves weren’t of any value. They would easily decay and break. Paul knew that they were unworthy of possessing the amazing valuable that was within them, the very presence of God.
-Paul went through a lot of hard times and was persecuted in many ways. They were never fully destroyed, abandoned, or despaired. God was always with them through the trial. We go through hard times because it continues to help us know of the cross and the death of Christ which allows God to fully live in our lives. True life comes when we die to ourselves.
-God was using them in the midst of all the persecution and Paul only saw the trials as light and momentary troubles. He was so enthralled with his home in heaven and the eternal glory that was to come that he would never lose heart. God would always renew them even though they were wasting away day by day as we all are.
-The mystical part of our religion is found in the final verse in fixing our eyes on what is unseen. If we only focus on the temporary things that we can see we have lost our lives. If we give up those things in pursuit of the eternal invisible we will truly find life.


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