Heart Issues
Today I am challenged by Paul’s heart for the Corinthians. He cared for them greatly and was distressed when they walked away from God and greatly encouraged when they repented. He cared for them as His children just as he started this chapter referring to the fact that we are all children of God. I do want to pursue godliness since that is who I have been made at the core. God has changed me when He adopted me as His child. He delights in me even more than Paul delights in the Corinthians and this is very encouraging. Also I want to pursue God and pursue holiness out of my reverence for Him. In this pursuit it is only by the grace of God that I can attain it. Thank God for His grace in leading me closer to Himself, for my sinful heart would lead me away from Him and direct me attentions to myself every possible moment.
-The promises that we have are found just before us in that we are sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. Because this is who we are we must press forward toward purity and holiness out of reverence for our father. Our Father has adopted us and made us His own. This is a truth we need to embrace more often and fully realize that we are loved.
-Paul obviously loves the Corinthians. He has great confidence in them, takes great pride in them, is greatly encouraged by them, and takes great joy in them. At the end he also is glad that he can have complete confidence in them. This kind of writing brings life to the Corinthians. It is so different than the speech in 1 Corinthians.
-Sorrow is very different than guilt. Worldly sorrow or guilt drives us to think less of ourselves and run away from God. We usually plunge deeper into that guilt with the mindset of, “Well, I’ve already messed up, so I might as well…” Godly sorrow leads to repentance which brings about salvation. I also love the added description that it leaves no regret. Godly sorrow causes us to change and therefore we don’t regret any longer, we see it as a learning situation.
-Titus brought Paul great news of the Corinthians in that they had repented of their sin and had great concern for Paul in his travels. This was very encouraging to Paul and gave them life although they were surrounded by conflicts and very afraid. This shows us the humanness of Paul and keeps us from elevating him to something different from ourselves. Paul had fears and struggles as we do, but he had extraordinary faith as well.
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