Heart Issues
I am challenged by something that is not explicitly taught in the text, but the challenge that Paul gives the Corinthian church. He challenged them to finish what they started. Many times I am a starter and not a finisher. I do not carry things through to the end. I get distracted and start on other things in the midst of my pursuit of the finish of the previous task. I also want to give generously and see God use my gift to help those that don’t have. Willingness seems to be the heart issue behind the giving. I can give a lot grudgingly and be totally in the wrong or give a little willingly and cheerfully and be rewarded by the Lord who sees what is done in secret.
-The key verse here is verse 7 where it says “Just as you excel in everything-in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” It sums up the main point of the entire chapter.
-It is amazing to see the Macedonian churches’ hearts in giving. They were just persecuted and they begged Paul to allow them to give and share in the service of the saints. They recognized stewardship better than anyone. Paul does not lord it over them to give, but calls them to it as a service to Christ who was rich and yet became poor for their sake.
-Paul’s wish is not that some may get rich and others give all they have, but that there may be equality. Most people do not want equality they want more. Never will you hear people say that I have too much and I need to give it away to those that don’t have.
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